Economic Development

Economic Development Strategies to Combat Global Poverty

Celebrate the Fairtrade Foundation’s 30th Anniversary and explore its impact on global trade. Fairtrade supports over 2 million farmers and workers, addresses climate change challenges, and promotes fair wages. Discover consumer power in transforming trade systems and ensuring sustainable futures for beloved products like coffee.
The Terwilliger Center for Innovation in Shelter helps businesses tap into an invisible market segment, creating profitable and impactful solutions for low-income communities. Learn about successful pilot projects and key strategies for businesses to achieve sustainable growth and community benefits.
To commemorate this MSME Day, Sarah Hewitt of Strive Women, delves into how small businesses, particularly those led by women, drive community growth, innovation, and economic resilience, despite facing significant barriers. Discover inspiring stories and strategies to support women-led enterprises and promote inclusive growth.
YOUR INPUT IS NEEDED: How can businesses build partnerships that are fit for the future? Please take the survey and help us create a renewed vision for business action on poverty, inequality and climate change. 
The Global Coalition for Youth Mental Health is calling on public and private sector leaders to unite in a collective call for action. Our mission is clear: to rally for increased investment in mental health support for children and young people worldwide. Will you join us?
Enhancing women’s empowerment strategies faces resistance from power dynamics and short-term profit concerns. However, long-term and well-diversified investors recognize the sustainable benefits of diversity, equity, and inclusion, influencing firms to prioritize gender equality and reaping positive financial outcomes. This article explores the critical role investors play in promoting women’s empowerment in business.

What do we mean by "Economic Development"?

Explore how economic growth can significantly reduce poverty through innovative business initiatives and strategic planning. Join us in making a difference.

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