Living Wages

Living Wages as a Solution to Combat Poverty

As 2025 begins, businesses must shift from strategy to action on sustainability, resilience, and social impact. With support from Business Fights Poverty Institute Fellows, this article outlines five key priorities, including reimagining resilience, scaling regenerative solutions, aligning social and environmental goals, advancing living wages, and leveraging collaboration as a competitive edge. The year ahead offers a critical opportunity to drive meaningful, systemic change.
Antoinette Marie, Director of Heifer Labs, and Sander de Jong, Managing Director of Fairfood talk blockchain, supplychains and food.
Empowering Africa’s youth is key to combating violent extremism. By fostering sustainable livelihoods, promoting gender equality, and addressing environmental challenges, TechnoServe is creating brighter futures. Through cross-sector collaboration with trusted local partners, we can unlock the potential of Africa’s youth, driving positive change and reducing extremist influence across the continent.
Implementing a living wage is challenging, particularly across diverse economic contexts. One promising solution to contribute to the living wage agenda is transitioning to digital wage payments, which offer greater transparency, security, and data accuracy for both workers and businesses.
Jeff Bakes of IKEA explores what it takes to make living wages work.
The landscape of global development is evolving, with new challenges and opportunities emerging on the horizon. As we navigate these complexities, the power of collaboration, innovation and impactful action becomes increasingly apparent. This paper synthesises the insights from a vibrant Online Written Discussion, “Together for 2024”.
In this podcast social impact pioneer, Azfar Khan explores the complexities and transformative potential of living wages.
Explore the journey of Turkish hazelnuts from soil to snack, learn how these premium nuts, grown in the climate of the Black Sea region, become global confectionery and healthy snacks, all while uplifting local communities.
Our online written discussion explored the transformative impact of living wages on businesses, emphasizing the profound benefits for employees, value chains, and broader societal
Global businesses are leveraging responsible digital payments to accelerate progress towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a focus on aiding small retailers, smallholder farmers, and low-income workers. Digitization not only enhances efficiency but also drives financial inclusion, benefiting millions by offering secure, accessible transactions.
Enlightened businesses recognise their opportunity to lobby governments to tackle inequalities, as well as behaving responsibly. But few seem willing to speak out about socio-economic inequalities. Read on for nine reasons why businesses should speak out about the need for a fairer Britain
Join us for this live written discussion with a panel of experts to explore the business case for paying living wages, and how can
Join us for this live written discussion with a panel of experts to explore the business case for paying living wages, and how can businesses can implement living wages across their value chains. The live panel is taking place on Thursday 14th September 2023, 10am to 11am EST / 3pm to 4 pm GMT
Welcome by Zahid and Yvette Torres-Rahman, Founders, Business Fights Poverty Followed by a Fireside Chat with: Marina Leal, Sustainability and Human Rights Manager, Natura
Over 60% of the world’s employed population make their living through informal work, with no access to formal contracts or protection. During shock events, these workers face immense hardship, receiving little or no support. Businesses, in partnership with NGOs like ActionAid, can address human rights risks and improve business continuity by investing in informal workers.
How can regenerative farming create climate justice? This podcast forms part of a series – examining how business addresses climate justice. Together we hear how business puts people at the heart of the climate action. And in particular this podcast looks at food security, regenerative farming and climate resilience
A report on how paying living wages throughout core operations and the value chain strengthens business performance, resilience and stability, while delivering measurable social impact and enabling businesses to more effectively deliver on human and labour rights obligations. Published with Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership and Shift, with support from Unilever.
Our new report calls for living wages to be embraced as an investment in business success and a key step towards ending in-work poverty. The report demonstrates how living wages benefit core operations, value chains and the wider operating environment and enable businesses to better meet their human rights commitments. It is time for businesses, investors and governments to realise the right to a living wage for hundreds of millions of workers worldwide.
Sector-wide action across supply chains is key to making living wages a reality for workers in low-income countries, says the Fairtrade Foundation’s Naomi Somerville-Large.
Our webinar explored “The Business and Societal Case for Living Wages”. The participants explored how living wages are integral to rebuilding a better, more equitable

What do we mean by "Living Wages"?

Implementing living wages can offer a direct and effective solution to combat poverty, ensuring workers receive a fair income to support their families.

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