Refugees and Migration

Aiding Refugees and Migrants to Overcome Poverty

World Refugee Day on June 20th honors the courage of refugees worldwide. USA for UNHCR engages corporate and foundation partners to amplify awareness, mobilize resources, and advocate for supportive policies. Discover how these efforts help displaced people rebuild their lives and how you can contribute to this vital cause.
The private sector is positioned to help solve one of the world’s great humanitarian crises, and a major driver of poverty. Worldwide, there are more than 103 million forcibly displaced people, including at least 32.5 million refugees.
This hybrid workshop with Visa Inc inspires and teaches us about stories of trailblazing refugee women, their incredible impact on their communities and what
Social Impact Pioneer, Dale Buscher, of Women’s Refugee Commission talks refugee self-reliance and building livelihoods
Micol Pistelli (UNHCR) and Ricardo Martin Garcia Tafur (IFC) explain why financial inclusion is a problem for displaced people.
Na’amal offers refugees and underrepresented communities access to remote work and soft skills training. Their Work Readiness Programme develops non-technical skills like collaboration, innovation, and time management. Since 2020, Na’amal has collaborated with partners for digital training, including MIT ReACT and Techfugees. It’s now starting a refugee training program in Ethiopia. Their Voices of Resilience podcast shares refugee stories to shift societal narratives.
This session, hosted with Visa, explored how businesses can best support the livelihoods of refugees. What models of engagement of the business community to
Access to remedy is crucial to reduce vulnerability of migrant workers to modern slavery. To honour International Migrant’s Day, Anti-Slavery International’s explains the importance of access to remedy and what businesses can do for a migrant workforce, informed by our successful project aimed at migrant workers in Mauritius.
How climate change and modern slavery intersect, and why this intersection must be recognised by governments and businesses. The world cannot properly tackle climate change without including efforts to end modern slavery.
Half of refugees in the UK struggle to get employed. What can those of us working in the social impact space do to help them find meaningful work? In the recent WISE Ways to Lead webinar, hosted by Pioneers Post in partnership with NatWest, we heard from social enterprises working with refugees to answer just that. Read on for highlights, and watch the full discussion video.
On Monday, World Refugee Day marked the start of Refugee Week (20-26th June) – a UK-wide festival celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary. Read on to learn more about a partnership between Comic Relief and Jersey Overseas Aid which has helped support some of the two billion people who lack access to formal financial services.
Today, there are over 100 million forcibly displaced people in the world. NaTakallam, a social enterprise, is disrupting the way we typically think of humanitarianism, language learning and international development. By being the bridge to the private sector, NaTakallam provides vital work opportunities for refugees and conflict-affected individuals, including in Ukraine.
Aleksandra and Sandra share their leading thinking on how to best support migrant workers; what business need to do to adhere to the new EU directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence; and why training doesn’t need to stop when workers have differing languages or low literacy.
Our workshop explored “How can business best support the livelihoods of refugees?” discussing promising engagement models for immediate and long-term support. We examined ways
It’s just over a month since Russia invaded Ukraine and close to 3,000 civilians have been killed, with the figure feared to be much higher. Over 10 million and counting have been forcibly displaced. As Russia evolves its military strategy, we need to adapt to the new challenges and needs.
While much has been done by the business community in response to the Ukraine crisis, much more is needed, and this must start with a better understanding of the needs of the most vulnerable people and communities. This article provides insights into understanding who the vulnerable are and advice on actions that businesses can take, along with useful links.
In the early hours of 24 February, Russian forces launched an attack on Ukraine. Business Fights Poverty and Crown Agents immediately launched a Rapid Response to meet emergency needs. Hundreds of Ukrainians have been killed with thousands more wounded, while over a million refugees have already fled the country. Find out how you can help.
As the humanitarian landscape changes and COVID-19, with its associated economic turbulence accelerates need, business has a key role to play in supporting the livelihoods of refugees. The Business Refugee Action Network (BRAN) has explored the implementation of new, business-led approaches to employing refugees and reflected on the impact of COVID-19.

What do we mean by "Refugees and Migration"?

Explore how protecting the rights of refugees and migrants around the world is crucial for humane governance and global human rights observance.

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