Sustainable Development

Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals

Malawian farmers face significant post-harvest losses due to lack of refrigeration and market access. Practical Action’s Renewable Energy for Agriculture project empowers women farmers with renewable energy technologies, enabling them to grow quality crops, store produce effectively, and secure regular contracts, resulting in increased income and reduced losses.
Global supply chains have historically sidelined Mexican Smallholder farmers but they are now at the forefront of an agricultural transformation. Discover how a unique partnership between multinational buyers and local farmers is steering the adoption of regenerative practices that enhance food security and promote environmentally positive practices.
Celebrate the Fairtrade Foundation’s 30th Anniversary and explore its impact on global trade. Fairtrade supports over 2 million farmers and workers, addresses climate change challenges, and promotes fair wages. Discover consumer power in transforming trade systems and ensuring sustainable futures for beloved products like coffee.
As we strive for sustainable diets to combat climate change and protect biodiversity, concerns arise about their nutritional adequacy. A systematic review reveals that eco-friendly diets may lead to lower intakes of essential micronutrients, posing risks to vulnerable populations. How can we balance environmental sustainability with optimal nutrition?
The textile and apparel industries are showing signs of progress on gender awareness and women’s empowerment. Yet, at the start of their supply chains, the cotton sector lags behind. So, Alia Malik asks: How can cotton sow fields of change?
Social Impact Pioneer Leonor Gutiérrez Fernández, Director of Women in Agriculture Initiative (WAI) at Root Capital talks investing in women farmers.
Social Impact Pioneer, Desta Lakew joins us to share her insights on Africa’s health, climate change and why sick care won’t work.
Amid rising global hunger due to pandemic, conflict, and climate change, SDG2: Zero Hunger remains a paramount goal. Learn how Farm Africa is enhancing smallholder farmers’ resilience in Eastern Africa through climate-smart agriculture, holistic programs, and empowering community-led initiatives, driving forward the critical mission to eradicate hunger by 2030.
The contribution that women make to the coffee value chain often goes underappreciated and undercompensated. However, TechnoServe Global Gender Director Cristina Manfre argues that by shining a spotlight on the roles women play across the value chain, we can help them to improve their incomes and economic empowerment.
Gender equality is the cornerstone of sustainable business growth. This article explores how MEDA’s Gender Equality Mainstreaming (GEM) Framework is advancing gender equality, in addition to business growth and impact. After applying GEM to 40 businesses and investment funds globally, MEDA found that mainstreaming gender throughout business operations was linked with greater commercial success.
Join us for two engaging days at our Global Equity Summit, where we’ll navigate the shifting landscape of business and equity, crafting strategies to tackle contemporary challenges. Delve into vital issues such as women’s entrepreneurship, health, gender-based violence, sustainable infrastructure, value chains, and empowering the youth. Register for FREE using promo code GES24BFP.
Social Impact Pioneer – Levar Jackson talks sustainable hospitality and eco-friendly hotel design
The landscape of global development is evolving, with new challenges and opportunities emerging on the horizon. As we navigate these complexities, the power of collaboration, innovation and impactful action becomes increasingly apparent. This paper synthesises the insights from a vibrant Online Written Discussion, “Together for 2024”.
Our workshop hosted with Standard Chartered (Futuremakers by Standard Chartered | Lifting participation with inclusive entrepreneurship). Learn from leading female tech entrepreneurs supported by
Social Impact Pioneers – Farai Tunhuma and Uwe Steckhan of UNICEF, navigate climate change and water security at COP28
Our hybrid workshop with the UK FCDO’s WOW programme and PwC on the latest thinking and examples on how applying a gender lens can
Hosted with Standard Chartered (Futuremakers by Standard Chartered | Lifting participation with inclusive entrepreneurship) Inclusion and equity in climate solutions are needed from all
Watch this hybrid workshop with the UK FCDO’s WOW programme and PwC to hear the latest thinking and examples on how applying a gender
Watch this Workshop to learn from experts and practitioners from across our global community about future priorities and strategies for putting people at the
Watch this Fireside Chat with Hand in Hand on how we can create a compelling business case for regenerative farming for women smallholders at

What do we mean by "Sustainable Development"?

Join us in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals to combat poverty through innovative and scalable solutions that drive global progress.

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