Finance and Investment

Finance & Investment Strategies to End Poverty

Youth Business International (YBI) together with ten enterprise support organisations (ESOs) from its global network of members have developed an evidence-informed approach that can systematically improve the financial health of young entrepreneurs by combining financial access and literacy via three pathways for ESOs to enhance their support.
Rathi Mani-Kandt’s article reveals the untapped economic potential of women entrepreneurs. As CARE USA’s Director, she highlights how investing in women could boost the global economy by $10 trillion by 2030. This insightful piece emphasises women’s pivotal role in driving global economic growth and prosperity.
This World Children’s Day, the UK hosts the Global Food Security Summit, addressing Zero Hunger and malnutrition. Amid alarming UN projections of over 600 million people facing hunger by 2030, the summit focuses on empowering smallholder farmers and leveraging technology for a sustainable, resilient food system
To mark the first UN endorsed International Day for Care (29 Oct) we have published a series of in-depth interviews, conducted as part of the research for a new report on how multinationals can better support care economy enterprises. 
The Global Financing Facility’s contribution to improving health financing and health outcomes in Ethiopia
The ISMEA pilot project, supported by the World Bank and the Global Financing Facility, empowers young girls in impoverished regions of Senegal. It transforms futures through education and support on health, hygiene and entrepreneurship.
Rising inequalities both between and within countries are fueling polarization and protectionist pressures, hampering social cohesion and political stability. Leading economists are calling for society to combat inequality, demanding better measurement and ambitious targets. Businesses and investors have significant roles to play. The private sector, through various practices, can contribute to inequalities, alleviate inequalities, and also face risks posed by inequalities.

What do we mean by "Finance and Investment"?

Learn about advanced financial strategies that aim to eradicate poverty. Our focus includes investment solutions and economic policies for lasting change.

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