Human Rights

Advancing Human Rights to Reduce Global Poverty

David Nicholson of Mercy Corps and Thomas Beloe from the UNDP talk human centred climate action, reflecting on COP29 in Baku.
Social Impact Pioneers Chiara Soletti & Sizakele Marutlulle delve into the intersection of climate change, human rights, and modern slavery.
Whilst climate negotiators meet in COP29 in Baku, businesses must take action to prevent and mitigate climate impacts on the human rights of workers in their supply chains. As the planet continues to warm, periods of extreme heat are growing in frequency and severity. Effective action depends on collaboration with workers and their representatives.
Social Impact Pioneer Amanda Smith, Diageo explores how to turn ambitious corporate commitments on social impact and inclusivity to reality.
Social Impact Pioneer – Emily Kane Miller discusses measuring social impact and human rights regulation.
The landscape of global development is evolving, with new challenges and opportunities emerging on the horizon. As we navigate these complexities, the power of collaboration, innovation and impactful action becomes increasingly apparent. This paper synthesises the insights from a vibrant Online Written Discussion, “Together for 2024”.
Better data and social performance benchmarks are critical to achieving more sustainable and equitable value chains. Tom Adams and Madeline Copp of 60 Decibels discuss the need to listen to farmers directly and at scale in order to improve their livelihoods.
Fairtrade intensifies fight against cocoa child labor with a new program. Despite challenges, the €450,000 budget aims to generate additional income for co-ops, offer education grants, and support poverty-alleviating projects. Co-ops’ innovative proposals will be funded based on impact and scalability.
Climate-driven Loss and Damage is bad for business and customers, but worst for the world’s economic backbone: women on the frontline of climate change. If their ability to manage climate change is not supported, business continuity stalls. Companies should support women, alongside civil society and policymakers, to foster a global economy that delivers for everyone. 
Micol Pistelli (UNHCR) and Ricardo Martin Garcia Tafur (IFC) explain why financial inclusion is a problem for displaced people.
Social Impact Pioneers Sue Maslow, Patrick Miller and Olivia Windham Stewart – explain Supply Chain Contracts & Human Rights Due Diligence
The World Benchmarking Alliance recently published its 5th iteration of the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark. While companies have improved their scores on key human rights indicators, over a decade since the launch of the UNGPs and faced with upcoming due diligence legislation, big gaps remain and the pace of improvement needs to speed up. From five years of benchmarking data, we have gathered the following learnings that can help companies improve.
Social Impact Pioneers: Jane Pillinger and Craig Wilkinson are two of the most important thinkers and activators the world has in addressing harassment and gender-based abuse in and out of the workplace. Together they share their practical wisdom, for women and men, for individuals and organisations to help make it safe for everyone, everywhere.
The concept of “just transition” – a whole-of-society approach to decarbonisation that respects human rights while promoting sustainable development, the eradication of poverty, and the creation of decent work and quality jobs – has come increasingly centre stage in national and international discussions on finance, energy, agriculture, and other key industrial transitions to net-zero. 
The pursuit of profit has left the global fish and seafood sector – the world’s fastest growing food-producing industry – in disarray. Facing unsustainable growth and undermined social justice, the sector must work to ensure the socioeconomic benefits of aquatic – or blue – foods are equitably unlocked for all.
Over 60% of the world’s employed population make their living through informal work, with no access to formal contracts or protection. During shock events, these workers face immense hardship, receiving little or no support. Businesses, in partnership with NGOs like ActionAid, can address human rights risks and improve business continuity by investing in informal workers.
How can civil society hold businesses and governments to account? This podcast examines the role of NGO advocacy and activism in pushing for better social and environmental outcomes.
Access to remedy is crucial to reduce vulnerability of migrant workers to modern slavery. To honour International Migrant’s Day, Anti-Slavery International’s explains the importance of access to remedy and what businesses can do for a migrant workforce, informed by our successful project aimed at migrant workers in Mauritius.
How climate change and modern slavery intersect, and why this intersection must be recognised by governments and businesses. The world cannot properly tackle climate change without including efforts to end modern slavery.
Businesses responded to war in Ukraine by providing unprecedented support to people fleeing, but war is increasing food and energy prices, pushing families to the brink of survival elsewhere. Businesses must protect communities in their supply chains by preparing them to respond to disaster. In today’s globalised economy, this can benefit us all.

What do we mean by "Human Rights"?

Learn how upholding human rights globally forms the foundation of justice and equality in efforts to fight poverty around the world.

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