
Education's Role in Reducing Poverty

The private sector is quick to adopt training programmes to foster diversity and inclusion at work. Yet, evidence shows diversity training regularly falls short of changing behaviour. The case of Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM), the state-owned electricity company of Mozambique, demonstrates that training can start shifting the dial towards a more inclusive workplace culture—if it acknowledges the root cause of discrimination.
To mark the first UN endorsed International Day for Care (29 Oct) we have published a series of in-depth interviews, conducted as part of the research for a new report on how multinationals can better support care economy enterprises. 
Explore the journey of Turkish hazelnuts from soil to snack, learn how these premium nuts, grown in the climate of the Black Sea region, become global confectionery and healthy snacks, all while uplifting local communities.
Harnessing Generative AI for Social Impact: Driving Access to Quality Education Our hybrid workshop with Pearson mapped out the opportunities and risks of generative
PLEASE RETURN TO THIS PAGE ON THE 6TH OF OCTOBER TO WATCH THE FULL VIDEO Watch this hybrid workshop with Pearson to learn about
The Eco-Green Teens Project, initiated by a team in Nigeria, addresses the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on food insecurity and rising prices. Through financial literacy and sustainable agriculture education, rural teenagers learned to cultivate staple foods and embrace a bio-circular economy. Empowered by the Global Youth Mobilization, the program fosters entrepreneurship and addresses UN SDGs.
Delving into the Training of Trainers (ToT) model, this article evaluates its effectiveness and best practices. Drawing from Primark’s Ethical Trade Team’s experience and research, it offers insights into optimising ToT for large-scale knowledge dissemination and behaviour change.

What do we mean by "Education"?

Explore the transformative power of education in poverty reduction, highlighting how innovative approaches can unlock potential across regions.

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