Care Economy

Strengthening the Care Economy to Reduce Poverty

The landscape of global development is evolving, with new challenges and opportunities emerging on the horizon. As we navigate these complexities, the power of collaboration, innovation and impactful action becomes increasingly apparent. This paper synthesises the insights from a vibrant Online Written Discussion, “Together for 2024”.
To mark the first UN endorsed International Day for Care (29 Oct) we have published a series of in-depth interviews, conducted as part of the research for a new report on how multinationals can better support care economy enterprises. 
To mark the first UN endorsed International Day for Care (29 Oct) we have published a series of in-depth interviews, conducted as part of the research for a new report on how multinationals can better support care economy enterprises. 
To mark the first UN endorsed International Day for Care (29 Oct) we have published a series of in-depth interviews, conducted as part of the research for a new report on how multinationals can better support care economy enterprises. 
To mark the first UN endorsed International Day for Care (29 Oct) we have published a series of in-depth interviews, conducted as part of the research for a new report on how multinationals can better support care economy enterprises. 
To mark the first UN endorsed International Day for Care (29 Oct) we have published a series of in-depth interviews, conducted as part of the research for a new report on how multinationals can better support care economy enterprises. 
Accelerating progress on SDG 5 for gender equality requires new approaches to age old realities. Despite many efforts by business and donors to address gender equality since 2015 – be it through increasing women’s access to finance or increasing the numbers of women in leadership positions, a fundamental or structural barrier has often been ignored – the care economy. While urgent public investment is needed. Businesses have a relevant role to play.
Listen to our webinar with IDRC on how businesses can support entrepreneurs in the care economy, and their critical, yet undervalued, work that underpins our
Read about the insights from our webinar with IDRC on how businesses can support entrepreneurs in the care economy, and their critical, yet undervalued, work
This report underscores the pivotal role of businesses in advancing SDG 5 for gender equality through the care economy. It highlights the increasing demand for care services and the innovative solutions offered by social entrepreneurs. With insights from global corporations, the report presents a framework for businesses to collaborate with care enterprises, emphasizing the urgency to address the care crisis and champion gender equality. With IDRC.
The Equality Institute is undertaking a new initiative looking at the challenges parents face in the workplace, how these challenges differ for mothers versus fathers and other people caring for children, and what employers can do to help overcome them. But we need your help. Please Share your views in this Parents in the Workplace Survey.
Help us drive gender equity: Please take our survey to help us better understand business motivations for addressing the care economy and how entrepreneurs innovating in this space could support your business. 
Hosted with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Investing in the care economy is critical to progress on gender equality and to ensuring an
Our webinar explored “How can business help strengthen the care economy?” emphasizing the care economy’s importance for gender equity progress. Experts shared business actions
Business Fights Poverty is excited to be part of a new programme to transform the care economy and is seeking SMEs and entrepreneurs across our network to be matched with investors. Sign up by 10th December. Read on for more information!
  Hosted with International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Rebecca Calder, Director and Co-Founder, Kore Global Sana Kapadia, Project Director, Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion
Our webinar explored “Business and the Care Economy” and discussed the challenges of tackling unpaid domestic and care work, investment opportunities in the care

What do we mean by "Care Economy"?

Examine the care economy's role in reducing poverty by supporting caregiving services that enhance economic and social well-being.

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