Gender Equality

During Global Goals Week, RISE: Reimagining Industry to Support Equality presents five reasons why businesses should prioritize supporting women workers in global garment supply chains and how by doing so, they can improve workers’ lives, strengthen the supply chain, catalyze systems change and contribute to meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals
As the climate crisis worsens, women are crucial to the success of cotton-growing communities. Here’s the support they need.
This report underscores the pivotal role of businesses in advancing SDG 5 for gender equality through the care economy. It highlights the increasing demand for care services and the innovative solutions offered by social entrepreneurs. With insights from global corporations, the report presents a framework for businesses to collaborate with care enterprises, emphasizing the urgency to address the care crisis and champion gender equality. With IDRC.
The health of women, children and adolescents should be a concern for all of us, including multinational business. This article explains how the Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents is helping to catalyse investment in this critical area, including through partnerships with the private sector.
Amid the pandemic, women entrepreneurs suffered due to school closures and business shutdowns, highlighting gender inequalities and SDG challenges. Seizing hope from stories like Seema, who embraced digital tools, calls for collaborative efforts. Southern Voice’s article enriches SDG discussions with diverse Global South perspectives, advocating for inclusive policies and knowledge-sharing to empower women entrepreneurs
Attention investors and female entrepreneurs. Heather Matranga & Sanjukta Mitra share why <2% of investment goes to female-led businesses.
Enlightened businesses recognise their opportunity to lobby governments to tackle inequalities, as well as behaving responsibly. But few seem willing to speak out about socio-economic inequalities. Read on for nine reasons why businesses should speak out about the need for a fairer Britain
Social Impact Pioneer, Dale Buscher, of Women’s Refugee Commission talks refugee self-reliance and building livelihoods
Our latest report explores the rapid evolution of generative AI, its potential for positive social impact, the risks it poses, and the crucial role of businesses in harnessing its benefits and mitigating its risks. Share your perspectives and help shape our collective thinking on building an equitable, resilient future.
The latest GSMA data shows that across low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) progress on digital inclusion has stalled for the second year in a row. However, the benefits of addressing the wide and stubborn mobile gender gaps are significant. Here, we outline recommendations for stakeholders to reduce these gaps and the potential benefits of doing so.
If we are to build a greener, fairer and more equal society in the wake of COVID-19, it’s time for rich countries to end their practice of dumping plastic waste in developing countries. This not only harms the environment but disproportionately affects the women and girls who tend to clear it up.
The Equality Institute is undertaking a new initiative looking at the challenges parents face in the workplace, how these challenges differ for mothers versus fathers and other people caring for children, and what employers can do to help overcome them. But we need your help. Please Share your views in this Parents in the Workplace Survey.
Women micro-entrepreneurs in Nairobi’s informal settlements struggle to get online and access the credit they need. Hand in Hand and Visa Inc.’s groundbreaking ‘acceleration’ programme tackled digital and financial exclusion, boosting participants’ profits by an average of 95%. Lucy Kerei, Programme Manager at Hand in Hand, Eastern Africa, shares how.
Unlocking the power of female entrepreneurs from the inside – social impact pioneer Jenny Stojkovic, joins us to share her journey.
With climate change having an outsize impact on women and girls, particularly those in developing countries, there must be a focus on the link between gender equity and climate as we consider climate solutions. This article highlights the role of carbon finance in channelling investment to projects impacting both, and the need to raise organisations’ climate ambitions.
Listen in to explore the challenges and opportunities surrounding gender equality and women’s empowerment. The conversation goes beyond the standard gender equality rhetoric, peering deeper into some uncomfortable areas of why gender equality is in some cases stalling or reversing.
What does it take to create gender equality at work? How can we help marginalised groups progress in business – and particularly marginalised women in business? Listen to this podcast to hear from Social Impact Pioneers helping young women from underserved backgrounds to progress and succeed in the workplace.
What does it take to be a female entrepreneur…to inspire, to lead and to make change? This conversation hears from Social Impact Pioneers Naom Monari and Natasha Kwakwa, as they discuss getting started, how to build a business and why getting your first endorsement from another organisation can be a catalyst for growth.
International Women’s Day. A day to not only celebrate everyone who identifies as a woman but also help drive gender equity in the workplace. Alas our Masculinity in the Workplace report shows that there is still so much more work to do and that starts by ensuring we engage more men. And that means getting far more than just turning up to a IWD event once a year.
This International Women’s Day, the world will celebrate the significant achievements and contributions of girls and women around the globe, and engage in discussion about gender equity. NewGlobe emphasizes the importance of having a strong focus on the foundation of equity and empowerment – education and the ability to learn.

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