Podcast Interview

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Sandra Granath and Aleksandra Lasota discuss the challenges and opportunities of better supporting migrant workers through great training and learning and also help business better look after their workers’ human rights whilst complying with due diligence requirements.

The ILO estimated that in 2019 there were 169 million international migrant workers in the world (accounts for approximately 4.9 per cent of the global labour force). If you are working abroad, travelling and away from home, you might be working in a foreign language, vulnerable to changes in currency, contracts and perhaps without a permanent home address. All reasons that could mean you aren’t able to get the training and development you need.

If you’re in a business employing people from other locations – training and supporting your workers properly across language and cultural barriers is vital. Helping your workers in supply chains that cross borders – essential.

Listen in to hear Aleksandra and Sandra share their leading thinking on how to best support migrant workers; what business need to do to adhere to the new EU directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence; and why training doesn’t need to stop when workers have differing languages or low literacy.

Aleksandra Lasota is the Migration, Business and Human Rights Lead at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and based in Thailand. Her expertise lies in working with businesses to support them in upholding the rights of migrant workers in international supply chains; as well as broader migration and displacement issues in locations ranging across the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific.

Sandra Granath is Head of Learning for Quizrr the digital training platform which focuses on helping people across boundaries and supply chains to learn. Sandra and her team at Quizrr have been developing worker centric training programs on workers’ rights and together they are here to share their experiences with us.


International Organisation for Migration (IOM): www.iom.int

IOM Migrant worker guidelines for employers: publications.iom.int/books/migrant-…ines-employers

Quizzr, Worker Centric Digital Training: www.quizrr.se


Aleksandra Lasota: www.linkedin.com/in/aleksandra-lasota-16572589/

Sandra Granath: www.linkedin.com/in/sandra-granath-423a30103/

Global Initiative to Eradicate Forced Labor in Supply Chains: www.quizrr.se/news/global-initia…-in-supply-chains/

ILO (2021), Global Estimates on International Migrant Workers, Results and Methodology: www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/publi…ion/wcms_808935.pdf

EU directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence: ec.europa.eu/commission/pressco…tail/en/ip_22_1145

Editor’s Note:

Read more content about business impact on Business Fights Poverty here.

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