Climate Action

What do we mean by "Climate Action"?

As the climate crisis worsens, women are crucial to the success of cotton-growing communities. Here’s the support they need.
The climate crisis demands urgent emission cuts, but equitable poverty reduction is equally critical. Science-backed metrics for Net Zero and Poverty Zero must align, driven by multilateral development banks. A three-point plan for governments and the private sector can ensure a just transition, safeguarding both the planet and its people.”
Fairtrade’s recently launched sustainable agriculture policy calls for resilient food systems built on agroecology – that is, the application of environmentally, economically and socially responsible principles to farming. Here are five reasons why our current food and farming policies need a complete reset – and how we can do it.
The Eco-Green Teens Project, initiated by a team in Nigeria, addresses the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on food insecurity and rising prices. Through financial literacy and sustainable agriculture education, rural teenagers learned to cultivate staple foods and embrace a bio-circular economy. Empowered by the Global Youth Mobilization, the program fosters entrepreneurship and addresses UN SDGs.
Bangladesh is implementing innovative measures and allocating a significant portion of its budget to combat climate change. Learn why investing in the Global South now not only addresses the urgent climate emergency but also promises long-term benefits for the rest of the world.
Climate-driven Loss and Damage is bad for business and customers, but worst for the world’s economic backbone: women on the frontline of climate change. If their ability to manage climate change is not supported, business continuity stalls. Companies should support women, alongside civil society and policymakers, to foster a global economy that delivers for everyone.