
Stay ahead by leveraging cutting-edge insights, co-created learning resources, expert advice, and peer support to inform and shape your organisation's strategic action for social impact.

The Business Fights Poverty Institute aims to advance knowledge and foster peer learning to ignite business innovation and drive actionable, cross-sector collaboration for a more equitable and resilient world.

Learning zones

Stay ahead by leveraging cutting-edge insights, co-created learning resources, expert advice, and peer support to inform and shape your organisation's strategic action for social impact.

Poverty learning Zone

Climate Justice Learning Zone

Gender Learning Zone


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Explore Dr. Martin Burt’s insights on empowering the poor through business and capitalism. Discover how innovative strategies and the Poverty Stoplight model can transform poverty relief, emphasising the role of businesses in fostering economic growth and self-sufficiency. Learn how a shift in perspective can help eradicate poverty.
Global supply chains have historically sidelined Mexican Smallholder farmers but they are now at the forefront of an agricultural transformation. Discover how a unique partnership between multinational buyers and local farmers is steering the adoption of regenerative practices that enhance food security and promote environmentally positive practices.
Gender equality is financially and morally good for big business. But what about SMEs, which are the engines of economic growth in countries of the global majority? To address this, USAID’s Feed the Future Market Systems and Partnerships (MSP) Activity tested the Women-Inclusive Return on Investment (WI-ROI) framework, generating valuable ROI insights.
Youth entrepreneurship in sub-Saharan Africa is a powerful driver of economic growth and societal change. Yet, financial barriers hinder young entrepreneurs, especially women, from expanding their businesses. Innovative financing solutions are urgently needed to support this vibrant informal sector. Discover how targeted initiatives can empower the next generation of African entrepreneurs.
Celebrate the Fairtrade Foundation’s 30th Anniversary and explore its impact on global trade. Fairtrade supports over 2 million farmers and workers, addresses climate change challenges, and promotes fair wages. Discover consumer power in transforming trade systems and ensuring sustainable futures for beloved products like coffee.
To commemorate this MSME Day, Sarah Hewitt of Strive Women, delves into how small businesses, particularly those led by women, drive community growth, innovation, and economic resilience, despite facing significant barriers. Discover inspiring stories and strategies to support women-led enterprises and promote inclusive growth.