Work & Growth

The private sector is positioned to help solve one of the world’s great humanitarian crises, and a major driver of poverty. Worldwide, there are more than 103 million forcibly displaced people, including at least 32.5 million refugees.
This report underscores the pivotal role of businesses in advancing SDG 5 for gender equality through the care economy. It highlights the increasing demand for care services and the innovative solutions offered by social entrepreneurs. With insights from global corporations, the report presents a framework for businesses to collaborate with care enterprises, emphasizing the urgency to address the care crisis and champion gender equality. With IDRC.
The Workshop on “Collaborating on Generative AI for Social Impact” convened a group of technologists, business leaders, and social impact advocates to unpack the
The transition to a green economy offers the prospect of an improved environment and better livelihoods. But unlocking that opportunity requires understanding local markets and economic incentives.
Join us for this live written discussion with a panel of experts to explore how businesses can best support youth employability in light of the trends we are seeing around the future of work. The live panel is taking place on Thursday 8th June 2023, 10am to 11am EDT / 3pm to 4 pm GMT
Join us for this live written discussion with a panel of experts to explore the business case for paying living wages, and how can businesses can implement living wages across their value chains. The live panel is taking place on Thursday 14th September 2023, 10am to 11am EST / 3pm to 4 pm GMT
This live written discussion with a panel of experts to explored how businesses can best support youth employability in light of the trends we
Join us and a panel of experts for a live written discussion, as part of the Business Fights Poverty Online 2020 Conference, to explore how we can mainstream “win-win” business models that work for lead firms and workers post Covid-19. Live Panel Tuesday 14th July 2020, 2pm -3pm BST

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