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The Business Fights Poverty Institute aims to advance knowledge and foster peer learning to ignite business innovation and drive actionable, cross-sector collaboration for a more equitable and resilient world.

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Hosted with Meta While it is primarily the responsibility of governments to drive action on climate change, businesses and their civil society partners also have a leadership role to drive action within their organisations, value chains and wider spheres of influence. Studies show that the large majority of employees and the wider public expect CEOs to stand up more on societal issues. In this session we heard from inspiring leaders in business and civil society on what more businesses can and should do to support climate justice. We came away with ideas for actions you can take by leveraging your own work and voice. Lead Discussants: Amir Gerges, Founder, Carboni Bank Deborah Osei-Mensah, Ambassador, Fairtrade & Operations Manager, Asunafo Cocoa Farmers Edward Palmieri, Director, Global Sustainability, Meta Katie Hoard, Global VP, ESG Strategy & Engagement, AB InBev Zahid Torres-Rahman, CEO, Business Fights Poverty (moderator)
Hosted with GSK Climate change threatens people’s lives, health and wellbeing. These impacts are not being felt equally, and reflect deep-seated inequities, such as by gender and race. For instance, those communities with poorer access to health care are most impacted by extreme weather events, and are the least able to recover quickly. Meanwhile, global warming brings new health challenges and exacerbates current ones. We had an in-depth discussion about driving better collaboration between the too-often siloed disciplines of climate change and health. We explored real-world partnerships and leave with ideas for driving the effectiveness of your own partnerships. Lead Discussants: Maggie Rarieya, Global Partnerships Director, Amref Health Africa Fiona Smith-Laittan, VP Global Health, GSK Juanita Silva, Campaign Manager, Race to Resilience, UN Climate Change High-Level Champion Hannah Green, Corporate Affairs Director, Sustainability, GSK Closing Remarks: Claire Lund, Global Vice President, Sustainability, GSK Elaine Mead, Chair, Alliance for Water Stewardship
Hosted with the Corporate Responsibility Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School, Change by Degrees and INJAZ Egypt. In this session we explored the practical solutions being developed by inspiring young entrepreneurs that help vulnerable people adapt to and mitigate the risks of climate change. We unpacked the challenges young entrepreneurs face in achieving scale, and how larger companies, in partnership with government and civil society, can help them succeed. In this session we learned from the latest thinking and practical examples of youth entrepreneurs delivering people-centred climate-just solutions. We came away with valuable insights on how you can increase your impact through partnerships to support young entrepreneurs. Lead Discussants: Dina El – Mofty, Entrepreneur and Angel Investor, Egypt, and Founder, INJAZ Egypt Farah Emara, Co-Founder, FreshSource Global Jane Nelson, Director, Corporate Responsibility Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School Marta Vânia Uetela, Founder, BioMec, Mozambique Morten Enggaard Rasmussen, EVP People, Sustainability & Brand, Novozymes Tara Shine, Chief Executive Officer, Change by Degrees
Women are disproportionately impacted by climate change, and face greater barriers in accessing the opportunities that come with the green transition. What more can business, in partnership with others, do to support women? How can we ensure that climate actions are gender-smart? In this session we learned from the latest examples of actions being taken to empower women through climate justice. We shared and tested out our latest thinking, so that we can scale the impacts of our own initiatives. Lead Discussants: Anastasia Mbatia, Senior Technical Manager, Agriculture, Farm Africa Beatriz Tumoine, Global Social Impact Director, CEMEX Franziska Deininger, Gender and Climate Consultant, IFC Justin White, Manager, Human Rights & Gender Equality, Global Sustainability, Mars Inc Laetitia Pettinotti, Senior Research Officer, ODI Marcela Chacon, Senior Manager International Stakeholders Relations, Bayer