Neil Gaught

Podcast Interview

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During our Spotlight interview, Neil explains why he was driven to write: ‘CORE, How a single organising idea can change business for good’ and the difficulties businesses find in focusing around a purpose authentically. Realising the business need for practical applications Neil then explains why he developed Single Organising Idea (SOI®) as a management tool to generate embed business purpose.

Hear from Neil, warts-and-all as he explores why slow progress is being made on the Sustainable Development Goals; the positive rays of light such as the student actions on climate change; and how staying curious can drive a career.

This Spotlight podcast is a continuation of the conversation Business Fights Poverty is having around how to embed purpose authentically into business. To find out more, and sign up to the Challenge, click here.

Neil Gaught is former design agency founder; creative director for WPP; and RSA Fellow.

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