Applying a Gender Lens to Achieve Net-Zero (Full Video Above)

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Cristina Bortes, PwC:
“”Within all companies, people should work closely with their procurement and human rights colleagues. For example, companies must develop supply chain mapping to understand their carbon emissions across the supply chain.” “
Cristina Bortes, PwC:
“”We need to leverage the commitments that companies are making to reduce carbon emissions while ensuring no harm to human rights. It’s essential to harness the power of half of their workforce, which comprises #women.””
Martin Ochien’g, Sasini PLC Kenya:
“”As an agricultural business, success and sustainability are intertwined; you can’t endure seven decades without prioritising them. The sustainability mantra is an integral part of our operations and approach to business.””
Lisa Manley, Mars Inc:
“”It’s going to be people inside business and within supply chains that truly drive the innovation and the impact, so we’ve got to be much more focused on supporting human innovations and human innovators.” “
Hernan Zunino, Twinings:
“”I truly believe in the value of integrating social aspects, including gender, and environmental considerations into our work.” “
Sunita Pitamber, EBRD :
“”How do we standardise reporting and make it mandatory? Companies should report not only on employment outcomes, as they currently do, but also on gender outcomes in general.””
Sunita Pitamber, EBRD:
“”It’s important to engage political leadership and get them engaged in global discussions. They need to understand where the needs are and how companies work.””