Bob Annibale

Podcast Interview

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This week Yvette Torres-Rahman, Partnerships Director at Business Fights Poverty interviews Bob Annibale, Citi’s Global Director of Inclusive Finance and Community Development.

Hear about what is Citi doing to enable greater financial inclusion and the trends that Bob is seeing from their microfinance clients, helping them serve the unbanked or the under-banked.

These days new players, beyond microfinance institutions, are looking to serve this market segment. One example Bob speaks about is how they are helping connect small agricultural suppliers within large corporate supply chains thus eliminating the cost on both sides of dealing with cash transactions, and in the process creating a platform for the delivery of more services beyond payments.

Citi has rolled out an initiative called Citi Mobile Challenge, with the aim to inspire developers to reimagine mobile banking. Finalists will have the opportunity to showcase their ideas and stimulate digital progress in the industry. Registration for the next challenge will open soon and demo days will be held across the Asia-Pacific. You can read more about past contestants here.

At a time of unprecedented collaboration between the public, private and nonprofit sectors, hear about how Inclusive Finance is helping increase transparency and help businesses accelerate their growth.

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