Viv Oyolu

Podcast Interview

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BFP: What do you do?

VO: I created and present the Dream Corner show which is dedicated to inspiring women of all ages to follow their dreams and passion. I interview female entrepreneurs, giving them a platform to tell their story, showcase their expertise and promote their business; as well as female leaders in the City to talk about their journey to where they are at the moment. The aim is to create the largest audio library of female leaders in the City.

BFP: What is the best part about your job?

VO: The best part of my job is the connection I make with so many remarkable women! You may think it’s not possible to connect with so many (interviewed over 200 and counting); but I do…truly an amazing experience hearing women’s stories – their journey. I have the best job for me!

BFP: What have been your greatest challenges?

VO: Dealing with last minute cancellations; as well as getting people to relax and enjoy the experience of talking about themselves. For some reason, women find talking about themselves a challenge.

BFP: How have you overcome these challenges?/ What advice, would you give to others?

VO: For the last minute cancellations, there’s really nothing you can do, but reschedule – assuming they want to. I learnt very early in to my career as a presenter that you can’t have an ego! It’s not about me, but my guest. I have to give them the confidence to relax and be themselves.

For each interview, I send prepared Qs for them to know where I could possibly go during the interview, so they don’t feel ambushed! I have a very relaxed and conversational style of interviewing and that helps a lot. I am genuinely interested in all my guests – hard to believe but I am; and my guests will attest to that. About 80-90% of my guests have come through referrals – people enjoy the experience and tell others to get in touch. I am very fortunate I don’t have to advertise my show.

Secret to my success? Apart from what I mentioned above, I listen intently to everything my guests say, and refer back to it – it shows I’m listening and interested. Also work hard to understand my guests sector to some degree, but I like/enjoy the ar of discovery during an interview. As a curious soul, it’s just magic!

BFP: If someone wants to do what you do, where should they start?

VO: My journey into radio has been very unusual to say the least! I have a degree in Marketing and an MBA; worked in the City and ran a Social Enterprise before I got into radio purely by chance some may say, but it was a 30-year old dream come true. I don’t have any form of training – everything I do is by instinct. This certainly is the easiest job I’ve ever done and love every minute of it!

BFP: Finally; what do you hope to get out of being part of the BFP community?

VO: I hope to connect with like minded people and support in any way possible – perhaps feature/interview female leaders or issues that concern women.

Editor’s Note:

Thank you to Viv Oyolu for taking the time to do this interview.

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