What is interesting about this conversation is the openness and willingness of Chris and David to share the insights into their partnership. Chris works for the development organisation Practical Action, whilst David works within the Z Zurich Foundation – the private foundation, funded by the Zurich Insurance Group. Together they reveal practical tips to make a collaboration work, ideas on deepening impact and leading edge thinking on emerging trends which will deeply affect the ability to end poverty.
As Chris explains: “I’m driven by a sense of injustice that poverty isn’t inevitable…I have learnt to put people at the heart of decision making.”
Whilst David says: “Three things that make a strong partnership: Give up power; accept change is inevitable so be flexible; and focus on the end goal, shift away from output reporting and thinking.”
Listen to hear more.
During the conversation David and Chris mention the following useful resources:
- Zurich Alliance Floods Resilience Portal introductory video
- The Zurich Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities (FRMC), including the framework and approach
- Lessons from year two report
- The Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities (FRMC) “Inviting others” brochure
- The Partnering Initiative (TPI)
- Find out more about Practical Action’s work