Business Fights Poverty Fortnightly Round Up

By Annabel Beales, Writer, Business Fights Poverty

A round-up of recent articles, “how-to” videos and podcasts. Explore key trends that require a robust business response; and find out how business is supporting decent livelihoods and building the resilience of women in supply chains in the face of climate change. And don’t miss Standard Chartered’s Futuremakers Forum in partnership with Business Fights Poverty. 

Alongside the many incisive contributions made by members of our community at last week’s Business Fights Poverty Global Summit 2021, we are delighted to be able to showcase practical insights and examples of action through our published content.


Our recently-published articles explore key trends that require a robust business response; how companies can support decent livelihoods for smallholder farmers and refugees; and how they can build the resilience of women in supply chains in the face of climate change.


  • As the impacts of climate change become ever more apparent, Lisa Manley, Vice President, Sustainability at Mars, provides her perspective on how governments and companies must come together with the Activists Propelling Us Towards Climate Justice, to both acknowledge our shortcomings and find solutions to the biggest crisis of our time.
  • The World of Work is Changing and Fast, so business must adapt to rapid technological advances and to the expectations of over 1.8 billion young people who will enter the workforce within the next ten years. In her article, Claire Dixon, Group Head, Corporate Affairs, Brand & Marketing at Standard Chartered Bank, shares insights from recent research into this important topic. She also introduces an upcoming event, 2021 Futuremakers Forum, which provides “a platform for young people and business leaders to come together – for young people to share their experiences and ideas and for business leaders to hear directly from the next generation about their hopes and expectations for a better workplace.” Find out more about this event below.


  • In Empowering Action towards Improved Livelihoods, Sheila Senathirajah, Innovations Senior Manager at ISEAL, shares insights from The Living Income Community of Practice, a cross-sectoral initiative helping to ensure decent livelihoods for the smallholder farmers who form the backbone of our supply chains: “A decent standard of living is a human right. We are all accountable for the livelihoods of producers whom we depend on for our basic needs.
  • Refugees are another group who face considerable barriers to achieving living incomes. How Business-led Innovation Can Support Refugees, by Rebecca Baron, Head of Activism and Social Mission and Niels Tigges, Product Marketing & Ice Academy Manager, Ben & Jerry’s, highlights a new report on this topic by the Business Refugee Action Network.
  • Don’t miss Zahid Torres-Rahman’s article in Stanford Social Innovation Review, Getting Entrepreneurs of Color Access to the Tools of Success. In it, Zahid argues “We must do more to remove the structural barriers that prevent entrepreneurs of color in the United States from launching and sustaining a venture, or a more just nation may remain out of reach.” 


  • “Growing evidence shows that women’s limited access to farm assets, services, and decision-making power makes them more vulnerable than men to changing climatic conditions”, according to Isabel DoCampo and Katie Naeve, Root Capital, and Luis Marquez, Value for Women. In Leveraging the Power of Small Agricultural Businesses to Address Climate Change and Gender Inequity, find out more about the key impacts and challenges of Root Capital’s innovative approach to strengthening women’s inclusion and climate resilience.
  • In Corporate Philanthropy Reimagined, find out about the recently-launched Resilience Fund for Women in Global Supply Chains. This ground-breaking new cross-sector collaboration that aims to “redefine what is possible through pooled corporate giving and community-led engagement,” according to Seema Jalan, Executive Director, Universal Access Project & Policy, United Nations Foundation.

“How-to Videos” from the Business Fights Poverty Global Summit 2021

As part of our Global Summit 2021, we produced two new “How-to Videos” providing practical advice from experts in their field to help guide business action. Check out:

You can read a round-up of the events at our week-long Global Summit here, which included a day each on the subjects of Leadership, Gender, Livelihoods, Climate Justice and Partnership. You can also register for a free digital pass to watch full recordings of our informative webinars and fireside chats, read written summaries, and access our curated digital learning resources.


Do have a listen to our two most recent podcasts:

  • Zahid Torres-Rahman, co-Founder and CEO, Business Fights Poverty – This podcast is a chance to hear the story behind Business Fights Poverty, including how Zahid’s personal journey influenced his core purpose, why Business Fights Poverty is a BCorp, what a clear social mission means, and where Business Fights Poverty is likely to be going in the future. Zahid is in conversation with Magdalena Seol, part of the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy at the Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea.

2021 Futuremakers Forum

We are delighted to be partnering with Standard Chartered for the virtual Futuremakers Forum 2021 – a three day online event from 13 -to 15 July, which addresses how business can unleash the potential of young people to succeed in the future of work.

We hope you will join us to hear from young people and business leaders about their expectations of tomorrow’s workplace, and co-create ideas that break down the barriers to work and close the skills gap.

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