16 Days of Activism: Essential resources from the Business Fights Poverty resident gender expert

By Alice Allan, Business Fights Poverty

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence kicked off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and ran until 10 December, Human Rights Day. We invited our resident Gender Expert, Alice Allan to share her top resources on how businesses can take the lead in tackling gender-based violence in the workplace.

The United Nations is marking the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence, under the global theme “Orange the World: End Violence against Women Now!”

The 16 days kicks off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.

We invited our resident Gender Expert, Alice Allan to share her top resources on how businesses can take the lead in tackling gender-based violence in the workplace, we’ll be sharing them for you here, over the next #16days.

How Businesses Can Take the Lead in Combatting Gender-Based Violence

Five steps companies can take to comprehensively tackle violence and harassment in the workplace. By Alice Allan in the Stanford Social Innovation Review.

Podcast with Personal reflections and practical advice from two experts, Jane Pillinger and Alice Allan

Meet two global experts on gender equality and addressing gender-based violence (GBV) at home and work – Jane Pillinger and Alice Allan in this Business Fights Poverty podcast on tackling GBV in the workplace

How a business harnessed its marketing power to tackle GBV in South Africa – a case study

A case study of ABInBev’s ‘No Excuse’ campaign, Gender Quality is Everyone’s Business

How IFC is really building the business case for action on tackling #GBV in the workplace – and finding the positive impacts

Shabnam Hameed is the Global Lead for Workplace Responses to Gender-Based Violence with the International Finance Corporation (IFC). She has dedicated more than a decade of her work to create support to those affected by gender-based violence through workplace programmes. Listen to the podcast here.

How COVID-19 forced companies to think differently about domestic violence.

Prior to COVID-19, already 1 in 3 women were estimated to experience violence in their lifetimes. Now, as the UN has noted, the economic and social stresses, as well as restrictions on movement and confinement, have dramatically increased the numbers of women and girls facing violence and abuse from intimate partners, in almost all countries. An article by Natalie Deacon, Avon, Alice Allan and Jane Pillinger. Read the article here.

Vodafone are leaders in tackling domestic violence. How did it happen? Podcast with Andrew Dunnett

What does it take to scale and grow social innovations? And how does a mobile phone company come to be leading the way business can tackle gender-based violence. Andrew Dunnett, the Group Director of SDGs and Sustainable Business at Vodafone and the Director of their Vodafone Foundation explains all. Listen to the Podcast here.

Supporting investors to tackle #GBV: A toolkit by CDC EBRD and IFC

Gender-based violence and harassment is a widespread and serious global issue that affects individuals in the workplace, their communities, and homes. CDC, EBRD and IFC have partnered to develop practical guidance that supports the private sector in efforts to address gender-based violence and harassment.. Read more and download the toolkit here

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