VIDEO: How do I integrate a soulful purpose with innovation and help build a better future

How To Video with Mandar Apte, Executive Director, Cities4Peace

Members of the Business Fights Poverty share their insights through a series of “how-to” videos on the themes of Business Fights Poverty NYC Online 2020. Mandar Apte, Executive Director at Cities4Peace looks at how to integrate a soulful purpose with innovation and help build a better future.

Mandar Apte is Executive Director of the “peace consultancy” Cities4Peace and of the World Summit on Countering Violence and Extremism. He is also a Visiting Scholar in the School of Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University, and a former Shell Gamechanger managing the social innovation portfolio.


This session aims to help business professionals understand why businesses should have a soulful purpose, how they can build an innovation pipeline towards building a better future, and some related best practices.

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Editor’s Note:

This How-To Video is part of Business Fights Poverty NYC Online 2020, a one-week, online conference (21 to 25 September) that builds on our recent online conference Business Fights Poverty Online 2020 (13 to 17 July) to drive forward connection, conversations and collaboration around how we rebuild better – how together we create an equitable and resilient world. The week consists of inspiring and engaging content, live events, peer networking and community-led learning. The week also builds on our Business and COVID-19 Response with Harvard Kennedy School Corporate Responsibility Initiative, and supported by DFID and a number of our corporate partners.

Each day, we will focus on a specific theme: Imagining the Future We Want (Monday); Creating an Equitable World (Tuesday); Helping People Survive and Thrive (Wednesday); Building Resilient Livelihoods (Thursday); Shaping System-Level Partnerships (Friday).

If you were unable to join these sessions you can access all of the recordings and summaries with a Digital Pass. You can watch the opening sessions and musical performances via the links on the event page.

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