VIDEO: What is the place of human rights in the business environment?

Professor Michael K. Addo, Director of the London Law Program at the University of Notre Dame.

Members of the Business Fights Poverty share their insights through a series of “how-to” videos and seminars on the themes of Business Fights Poverty Online 2020. Professor Michael K. Addo, Director of the London Law Program at the University of Notre Dame explores the place of human rights in the business environment and the latest thinking on this topic.

Professor Michael K. Addo is Director of the London Law Program at the University of Notre Dame. His expertise is recognized beyond the academy including his appointment to the United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights (2011-2018) with a mandate to promote the implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.


Any business that does not have a value reference point to social standards is very likely to fail, explains Professor Addo. 




The aim of this session is to help business professionals understand what human rights mean, learn why companies must incorporate human rights principles to their culture and mission, and discover the latest developments of human rights practices and guidelines. 




  • What is the meaning of human rights in relation to business
  • Why human rights is a topic that businesses must take seriously
  • What is the latest thinking on the role of business in protecting human rights
  • How you get your CEO to pay attention to human rights

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