Seminar: What is the latest thinking on employment-relevant skills for young people?

Seminar Video with Linda Wanklin, Researcher and PhD Candidate in International Affairs and Political Economy at the University of St.Gallen, Switzerland.

Members of the Business Fights Poverty share their insights through a series of “how-to” videos and seminars on the themes of Business Fights Poverty Online 2020. . Linda Wanklin, a Researcher and PhD Candidate in International Affairs and Political Economy at the University of St.Gallen looks at what is meant by developing employment-relevant skills for young people and the latest thinking in on this topic.

Linda Wanklin is a Researcher and PhD Candidate in International Affairs and Political Economy at the University of St.Gallen, Switzerland. Previously, she worked with Development Cooperation at Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation and at the International Labour Organisation.


Investing in training is really an investment in the company’s future. Once the apprentice is trained he or she will contribute to the company’s overall productivity, quality, growth, and innovation, explains Linda.




The aim of this session is to help business professionals understand the meaning and importance of skill-formation systems; learn why these systems can be a win-win-win situation for young people, companies, and the state; and discover practical examples and the latest developments around vocational training and the new realities of labour markets. 




  • What is meant by developing employment-relevant skills for young people
  • Why this topic is important and what is the business case for it
  • What is the latest thinking on this topic 


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