Environment Zone

A summary of a series of online forum discussions about how business can put people at the heart of their climate actions. The series also covered the role of education and skills in the just transition and how thinking about diversity and inclusion can help spread the burdens and benefits of climate action.
Climate change is affecting us all, but the most severe impacts are being felt by the most vulnerable people. This framework explores what climate justice means in practice and the actions that business can take. Use this guide to inform business action to put people at the centre of climate action. With the Corporate Responsibility Initiative at Harvard Kennedy School and Change by Degrees.
An action framework on how business can put people at the heart of climate action; recognising the social equity dimensions of climate impacts. With the Corporate Responsibility Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School.
A report that identifies six building blocks necessary to align the incentives of growers, mills, refiners, traders, and buyers in favour of more sustainable sugar production at scale. With the Corporate Responsibility Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School.

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