Podcast Interview

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Justin Perrettson shares a masterclass in why business needs to be listening and participating in public and international decision-making on climate change; whilst providing us with behind-the-scenes access into the challenges and mechanisms of multi-lateral decision making.

Justin Perrettson is the Head of Sustainability Partnerships at Novozymes. The industrial biotechnology company and world leader in enzymes and microorganisms. Justin has been central to Novozymes’ longstanding sustainability commitments and activities as part of his 20-year career working at the interface between business and policy.

During this time Justin has advised on and led Novozymes’ international engagements with the G20, the UN General Assembly and the UNFCCC COP Climate Negotiations. He is the Chair of the Environment and Energy Commission of The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). Who are the world’s largest business organization with over 45 million members in over 100 countries. And he is the co-chair of the Environment Committee of The United States Council for International Business (USCIB).

In addition to the masterclass, Justin also shares with us why he thinks public-private partnerships need a makeover; proposes ways we can accelerate collaboration; and urges us all to better understand the 3Cs: contexts, content and consequence.

Justin lays out simply, why businesses need to understand their social and environmental impact and take action on them, if they want a future. And how business leaders need to show up, not show off at international forums – only by bringing voices from across sectors and with different perspectives can lasting positive decision making be made.


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