Podcast Interview

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E-commerce growth in Africa has consistently been 50 per cent above global averages in recent years. This is anticipated to continue over the next decade despite the region’s connectivity, payments, and logistics challenges.

During our conversation, Charlotte Ntim, Disruptive Technology Officer with IFC’s Gender and Economic Inclusion Group, shares with us how the pandemic has disproportionately impacted on women-owned businesses, and why achieving gender parity on e-commerce platforms could be a $15 billion opportunity.

Charlotte and her team have been researching e-commerce with the aim to plug knowledge gaps on how women use technology and close gender gaps. During this podcast Charlotte deep-dives into this new research, zooming in on the opportunities that appear in a number of regions in Africa for women owned businesses.

Whether you are part of a women owned businesses or tech company, a policy maker or a funder Charlotte has practical insights and ideas for you to further grow your impact.

Digital2Equal: www.ifc.org/digital2equal
Report: Women and E-commerce in Africa: www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/top…nd-ecommerce-africa
Report: Women and E-commerce in Southeast Asia: www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/top…n-and-ecommerce-sea

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