
Join Professor Tim Fort in an engaging podcast series as he explores the profound influence of music on our perception of “us” versus “them.” Uncover how music serves as a transformative tool, igniting competition, celebrating alliances, and fostering unity. Delve into the intricate dynamics of various genres, lyrics, and their remarkable impact on our sense of identity.
The Business Fights Poverty Global Summit 2023 Fireside Chat on “Business Action to Tackle Inequality” convened distinguished leaders in a stirring conversation that revolved
The Feed the Future Advancing Women’s Empowerment (AWE) project is leading a global Learning Series to encourage collaboration between the private sector and development practitioners to promote the inclusion and empowerment of women and marginalized groups. The series’ second virtual “learning burst” in April focuses on conducting and using inclusive market research, sharing private sector insights on engaging with development partners for business and development impact.
Rainforest Alliance and ofi piloted the Assess-and-Address (A&A) system to tackle child labor in Ghana cocoa farming. The A&A system incentivizes farmers to form committees to identify and mitigate child labor risks and put in place a remediation plan. The system complements ofi’s Child Labor Monitoring and Remediation System and includes a grievance mechanism and human rights awareness raising. Robust systems, farmer training, and community engagement are key to success.
Our workshop explored “How can we support female entrepreneurs, including through financial and technological innovation?” We discussed challenges women face in finance, digital skills,
Our Fireside Chat explored “How can you succeed as an entrepreneur and make a difference in your community?” Female social impact pioneers shared insights
The insights in the Nudges and Bridges series aim to help everyone, including business people, understand how they can contribute to peace. In this video, Timothy Fort looks at lessons dogs teach us at a dog park, how religion is all about attempting to find perspective, and how two different plays in a football game can provide a perspective that lasts nearly a half-century.
Over 180 business leaders, advocates, academics and others came together to share and explore what they believe to be the key trends, challenges and opportunities for action in the year ahead. The virtual workshops, conducted under Chatham House Rules, focused on three critical intersecting areas: poverty, equity and resilience, and offered practical insights while fostering new and exciting connections across the BFP community. This Insights Paper summaries the key points of the discussion.
How can we strategically improve cities? Shaping them to be more liveable, sustainable and inclusive, with existing local resources? We see “Impact Places” as a solution: real estate development and urban regeneration/re-development integrating holistic impact and (economic) sustainability. Here, we’ve shared our experiences and key learnings from delivering Impact Places in France.
As global challenges intensify, impactful implementation has never been more important, but also never more challenging. Here, James Payne at Forum for the Future, considers the ‘Big How’ of putting ambitious strategy into action to deliver real impact at scale and pace.
Our workshop explored “How can innovations in workforce development programmes address racial equity and inclusion issues?” and emphasized the importance of centering equity in
Our webinar explored “How can we think globally and act locally in order to build effective diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) strategies?”, discussing the
Our webinar explored “How can business partner to help small retailers thrive? Lessons from the country-level” and discussed supporting SMBs in maximising fintech benefits.
Two long-held criticisms of research organizations are the siloed nature of academic research— often comfortably detached from ground realities, and research outcomes never leading to the desired impact. How can the often long-drawn process of scientific, evidence-based research start to make a dent on real life? In this article, we look at how Good Business Lab approaches this conundrum by narrowing in on two verticals within the organization that were developed to address these issues.
Our workshop explored “Where Do the Gaps Remain in Impact Measuring That Will Unlock Greater Business Action in 2022, and How Do We Act
Our workshop explored “What difference does tackling restrictive gender norms make to micro-enterprise and other social impact programmes?” using research from Kenya, Tanzania, and

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