Business and philanthropy: The blurring of boundaries

Business Fights Poverty

The latest publication from the World Bank Institute’s Business and Development Discussion Papers discusses the overlaps on business and philanthropy. Michael Jarvis and Jeremy Goldberg provide a briefing allows readers to get quickly caught up to speed on developments and consider the implications for both the business and development communities.

“Recent years have witnessed a dramatic increase in the philanthropic resources made available for global development, particularly from private sector sources who encourage the increased application of business thinking and models to philanthropic objectives. This blurring of boundaries is leading to the creation of promising hybrid models that combine aspects of business investment approaches and more traditional forms of giving.”

Business and philanthropy: The blurring of boundaries Michael Jarvis and Jeremy Goldberg World Bank Institute, 2008

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2 Responses

  1. Can anyone help me understand the extent to which the World Bank gets involved in the sorts of cases its mentioning? I don’t really understand the organigram of the World Bank particularly as relates to where these 2 authors sit. I live in the Washington DC region and would like to participate in discussions of these sorts of topics if the World Bank engages in such.

  2. There is no one-stop shop that provides an easy entry point within the World Bank on these issues unfortunately. I work in a team specifically working on business roles in development as part of the capacity building arm of the Bank, but there is also expertise within the partnerships and development finance teams, and of course with colleagues in the International Finance Corporation. There are occasional events – both in Washington and virtual – that might be of interest. Hopefully they get highlighted on the website and also on the Bank’s Private Sector Development Blog



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