Is Your Corporate Volunteering Program a Success? Find Out Here

Chris Jarvis

Is Your Corporate Volunteering Program a Success? Find Out Here

Ever find yourself wondering how your corporate volunteering program is really going? How does it compare to other programs? Are participation rates where they should be? Is your program….good? Effective? Worth it?

Now there’s a tool that makes answering these (and a whole range of assessment questions) unbelievably easy. It’s user-friendly. It’s interesting to explore. It’s free.

I highly recommend the Drivers of Effectiveness Survey Benchmarking Tool which you can find here: It’s provided by The Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship, in cooperation with Bank of America.

“The Benchmarking Tool scores your program against the ideal, per the Boston College Center’s evidence-based Drivers of Effectiveness for Employee Volunteering and Giving Programs. This identification of your program’s strengths and weaknesses can help you develop strategic plans, garner internal support and make operational decisions. The tool also benchmarks your program to other respondent companies (more than 250 to date), allowing you to see how you compare to customary practices. Tracy King, director of community engagement at the Levi Strauss Foundation, said, “Assessing against the drivers was vital to identifying our gaps and strengths and to creating a credible strategic plan for global employee engagement.” (Read the full blog by Bea Boccalandro)

Go ahead, try it out!

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