VIDEO: How can companies ensure they have a positive relationship with the world around them?

How To Video with Cristianne Close, Global Practice Leader, Markets, WWF

Members of the Business Fights Poverty network share their insights through a series of “how-to” videos on the themes of Business Fights Poverty NYC Online 2020. In this video Cristianne Close, Global Practice Leader, Markets, at WWF looks at how companies can ensure they have a positive relationship with nature and at the same time help to address other problems like poverty

Cristianne Close is Global Practice Leader, Markets, at WWF, where she works with business to benefit nature and people. Previously, she was Founder and Director at Fundacion Choco Empreende, and held manager roles at Arcos Dorados and Syngenta.


The aim of this session is to help business professionals understand what is the business case for sustainability, how companies ensure they have a positive relationship with nature and at the same time help to address other problems like poverty, and what would be good examples of companies doing the right thing.



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