Trends and Results in Private Sector Development: TradeMark East Africa


The Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED) organised a Seminar on trends and results in private sector development (PSD), in January 2012. It focused on what we are learning about results and in part on the DCED Standard for results measurement. There were around 100 participants from 32 countries, representing 54 different organisations, field programmes and governments. We took a number of interviews to capture some of the key messages that came out. They also aim to create a discussion around the issues highlighted, and all comments are very welcome.

In the third video, Donna Loveridge, Knowledge and Results Director of TradeMark East Africa (TMEA), reviews how TMEA manages for results in its trade facilitation efforts.

TMEA aims to remove non-tariff barriers to trade. It supports regional trade-related infrastructure, trade facilitation and trade policy and regulations across East African Community countries (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda). TMEA was designed by DFID over the period 2008-2010. As DFID was securing funding it started a number of ‘fast track’ projects until TMEA was established in mid 2010. Over the period, TMEA’s budget has significantly increased. In mid-2010, the budget was just over $120m; currently, it stands at around $550m.

Donna Loveridge, Knowledge and Results Director, highlights some key issues arising from using the framework of the DCED Standard on a pilot basis. She notes that, in the logframe, the programme goal is to increase growth and reduce poverty. The purpose level refers to increased regional integration and trade competitiveness; the connection between these two (purpose and goal) is perhaps not as obvious as had been assumed.

She also talks about the process through which TMEA is going to understand how all of its activities fit together. A
better understanding of the specific logic of TMEA’s activities is also assisting the programme to communicate its work better, to partners and donors

Click here to view Donna Loveridge’s presentation at the DCED Current Trends and Results Seminar in Private Sector Development.

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