Trends and Results in Private Sector Development: Fertilizer value chain intervention in Nigeria


The Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED) organised a Seminar on trends and results in private sector development (PSD), in January 2012. It focused on what we are learning about results and in part on the DCED Standard for results measurement. There were around 100 participants from 32 countries, representing 54 different organisations, field programmes and governments. We took a number of interviews to capture some of the key messages that came out. They also aim to create a discussion around the issues highlighted, and all comments are very welcome.

In the second video, Sadia Ahmed reviews PrOpCom’s fertilizer value chain intervention in Nigeria and use of the DCED Standard. PrOpCom is a DFID-funded programme to reduce poverty in Nigeria through making agricultural markets work better for the poor. PrOpCom supports private fertiliser companies to provide fertiliser where it is needed, by refocusing their sales efforts to selling directly to smallholders in remote areas. By developing affordable small packs of fertiliser and improved blends of fertiliser, and supporting training for farmers on how to apply fertiliser and private distribution channels to remote villages, PrOpCom has helped more fertiliser reach farmers —increasing crop yield and incomes.

This intervention was piloted in two states in Nigeria from October 2009 – May 2010, and was scaled up in March 2010 to 12 states. Underlying the intervention has been a strong use of best practise in results measurement, including the development of a Results Chain, the use of indicators of change, comparisons with control groups, and a concern for sustainability and aggregation

Sadia Ahmed outlines the benefits for the intervention of working with the Standard. The Standard has helped advise on measurement methodologies and supported triangulation of data. By requiring more documentation and evidence, the Standard has led to greater understanding of the fertiliser market, and helped the programme decide on which interventions to further support. Sadia Ahmed notes an initial resistance to the extra work the Standard requires, but that the benefits of more rigorous measurement and reliable results made this worthwhile.

Click here to view Sadia Ahmed’s presentation at the DCED Current Trends and Results Seminar in Private Sector Development.

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