The Power of Nutrition estimates the more than more than 45% of children’s deaths are linked to undernutrition and the cycle of undernutrition continues to prevail – 40% of pregnant women are anaemic, increasing the likelihood of their child being undernourished.
Why is nutrition still such a problem? What’s the impact of COVID-19 on these already frightening statistics? And what can we do about it?
Michelle Thompson, Director, Head of Partnerships and Brands at The Power of Nutrition, examines and provides insights on each of these questions and more during our conversation.
With expectations that the COVID-19 global pandemic will trigger a new global nutrition crisis, what would it take to rebuild better?
Yes, funding explains Michelle, but she calls for “new and innovative models and approaches to nutrition funding” that have “built upon proven long-established interventions yet moved away from traditional aid models.”
Join Business Fights Poverty Online 2020 to explore more ways than business and society can team up to rebuild better.
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