How to respond to gender inequality issues in global supply chains

How to Video with Jiselle Steele, Private Sector Gender Advisor at Oxfam

Jiselle Steele is Private Sector Gender Advisor at Oxfam Business Advisory Service. In this session, Jiselle explains what has been the impact of COVID-19 on inequality and gender gaps in the private sector, and how companies can identify and respond to gender inequality issues in global supply chains.

Jiselle Steele is Private Sector Gender Advisor at Oxfam Business Advisory Service. Oxfam is an international organisation that works to end global poverty and help to build a world less divided by money, race, borders or gender. In this session, Jiselle explains what has been the impact of COVID-19 on inequality and gender gaps in the private sector, and how companies can identify and respond to gender inequality issues in global supply chains.


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