VIDEO: How Can Companies Ensure Gender Equality Through Value Chains?

How To Video with Professor Stephanie Barrientos, The Global Development Institute at The University of Manchester.

Members of the Business Fights Poverty share their insights through a series of “how-to” videos on the themes of Business Fights Poverty NYC Online 2020. In this video Professor Stephanie Barrientos of the Global Development Institute at The University of Manchester looks at how companies can ensure gender equality through value chains

Professor Stephanie Barrientos teaches in the Global Development Institute at The University of Manchester. She was previously a Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex (2000-7). She has undertaken research in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the UK and she has published widely on gender, global production, employment, decent work, trade and labour standards, corporate social responsibility, fair trade, and ethical trade. Stephanie has advised and provided training for a number of companies, NGOs and international organisations on these issues.



The aim of this session is to help business professionals understand how business should address gender inequalities. Stephanie provides us with an overview of the existing challenges around gender equality, what has the pandemic highlighted, what is the role of business, what are best practices in the corporate world, and where we can find more resources.

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General Overview of existing challenges:

  • WOW Briefing paper Building Back Equitably: Spotlight on Covid and women workers in global value chains (forthcoming will be available here):


Advice for organisations on systematic collection of gender data in GVCs:


Examples of initiatives:


Editor’s Note:

This How-To Video is part of Business Fights Poverty NYC Online 2020, a one-week, online conference (21 to 25 September) that builds on our recent online conference Business Fights Poverty Online 2020 (13 to 17 July) to drive forward connection, conversations and collaboration around how we rebuild better – how together we create an equitable and resilient world. The week consists of inspiring and engaging content, live events, peer networking and community-led learning. The week also builds on our Business and COVID-19 Response with Harvard Kennedy School Corporate Responsibility Initiative, and supported by DFID and a number of our corporate partners.

Each day, we will focus on a specific theme: Imagining the Future We Want (Monday); Creating an Equitable World (Tuesday); Helping People Survive and Thrive (Wednesday); Building Resilient Livelihoods (Thursday); Shaping System-Level Partnerships (Friday).

You can register here to join us at the online event.

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