Our plan is simple: to engage new audiences to help make nutrition a global priority.
While more than two billion people around the world suffer from a lack of proper nutrition and undernutrition is an underlying cause of 1 in 3 of all childhood deaths annually, nutrition interventions remain significantly underfunded. Evidence shows that good nutrition is fundamental for proper health and development, particularly for children during the 1,000 day window from a woman’s pregnancy to a child’s second year of life. Yet, according to a recent World Bank report, nutrition receives just .03% of overseas development assistance.
It is clear that nutrition does not yet have the public and political will necessary to be viewed as a global health and development priority, despite evidence to the contrary.
Sometimes evidence is not enough. As has been true for many other global health issues – such as polio and malaria – informed and engaged constituencies play a vital role in raising the profile of an issue and, ultimately, building momentum for increased commitment and funding.
For this reason, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is taking a new approach to tackle malnutrition. We’ve launched the Future Fortified campaign to engage new audiences in this global issue, providing innovative and easy ways to get involved. Together, Future Fortified supporters and partners can inform themselves and others on the nutrition challenges and solutions, invest in sustainable approaches to improve nutrition, and influence policy makers to make nutrition a global development priority.
As we’re mobilizing communities in support of improved nutrition, there is a role for everyone, from individuals to businesses. Whether you reach your community, members, employees or consumers, you can join us. Check out our new video to learn more about the Future Fortified campaign and feel free to share it with your networks – on Facebook and Twitter (@FutureFortified).
Together we can help millions of women and children around the world access the essential nutrients they need to lead healthy, enriched lives. Together we can build a future fortified.