Podcast Interview

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The World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) are on a mission to boost companies’ motivation and efforts towards achieving the UN sustainable development goals. They are accelerating change in the way that business impact is measured.

Developing transformative benchmarks that will compare companies’ performance on the Sustainable Development Goals.

During our conversation with Dan he reveals the correlation between business sustainability performance and how well businesses are performing during the crisis. Environmental, social and governance business activities prior to the COVID-19 crisis appear to be key indicators for their preparedness during this severe shock to the system.

In addition, Dan explains why wider thinking about environmental and social issues are vital for long term business success and global economic prosperity – the vulnerability of just in time supply chains; the knock-on effects of poor biodiversity; and the dangers of ignoring business impacts on human rights.

This podcast then turns to COVID-19 recovery, resilience and re-building. Dan explores practical ways data and information can assist with ensuring we rebuild better. Data lead suggestions and evidence based decisions to positively impact people and planet.

To find out more about the World Benchmarking Alliance: www.worldbenchmarkingalliance.org

To find out more about how your business can respond to COVID-19 and rebuild better: snipbfp.org/C19_ResponseCentre

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