Gender Equity Pathways at work with Rani from IFC and Tere of Circle de Luz

Podcast Interview

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What does it take to create gender equality at work? How can we help marginalised groups progress in business – and particularly marginalised women in business? Listen to this podcast to hear from Social Impact Pioneers helping young women from underserved backgrounds to progress and succeed in the workplace.

Your gender, your education, your background, and your earning potential are all connected. If we’re going to create gender equality in the workplace, we need to understand that not all women have the same background, privileges, and experience. A woman’s earning potential goes up 20% for every year of schooling she completes. And sadly, girls are less likely to complete school than boys.

Meet Social Impact Pioneers: Rani Pooran and Tere Gonzalez. They are champions of women in the workplace. Working tirelessly to create gender parity in education and in business.

Together they talk in practical terms, about what we can do to help girls, particularly from marginalised backgrounds to succeed, prosper and reach their potential. They share practical ways for individuals and employers to take positive action.

Rani Pooran is the Head of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the International Finance Corporation (IFC), part of the World Bank Group. Now based in Washington DC, Rani has worked in the UK, US and Canada. She is a past Chair of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative’s Gender Equality Working Group and a former board member and Vice-President of a community mental health agency based in Toronto.

Tere, is the Executive Director of Circle de Luz. The Charlotte based organisation empowering young Latinas through extensive mentoring, holistic programming and scholarship funds for further education. She was appointed as one of the first 17 United Nations Young Leaders for the Sustainable Development Goals in recognition of her work around the world. Tere has previously worked at the United Nations Foundation, the Organization of American States, and the World Bank Group to advance shared prosperity, youth empowerment, gender equality, diversity, and the upward mobility of underserved groups. She is now the leader of Circle de Luz.

Tere says: “I am a proud immigrant from Mexico and leader of a US based organisation empowering young Latinas and advancing their education. I believe education is one of the greatest assets a person can have—with a ripple effect on communities, economies, and the next generations.”

And we would love to hear your thoughts on this conversation and urge you to join in the collection of better data to help everyone to be able to get on and achieve their potential. Do get in touch: and


Catalyst Link

Tere Gonzalez on LinkedIN
Circle de Luz

Circle de Luz on social media:
Instagram @circledeluz
Twitter @circledeluz

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the IFC

IFC research

Children and Poverty education facts

Children International, Global Poverty and Education

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