Zubair Junjunia

Podcast Interview

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Meet Zubair Junjunia, he is an educational activist, social entrepreneur, and founder of ZNotes – the online learning platform which shares revision notes democratically for students by students.

During our conversation Zubair talks with us about why he is so passionate about education equality and how he is on a mission to create access to high quality learning for young people around the world.

As a person recently out of full-time education and the founder of an education social enterprise Zubair has some great advice on how to get the best from your education. He shares his advice about how to get your foot in the door of job you want and importantly how to get through it.

In addition to being a social entrepreneur Zubair was awarded the Diana Award, he is a One Young World & STEM UK ambassador and is on the advisory board of DEFI at Cambridge University.

Someone with these credits isn’t just a successful entrepreneur – Zubair has something to say. During our conversation, Zubair delves into why more thinking is needed in the maximisation of social impact through business and the key questions he is asking himself to be successful.


ZNotes: www.znotes.org

Zubair Junjunia: www.linkedin.com/in/zjunjunia/

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