Zahid Torres-Rahman

Podcast Interview

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This spotlight interview gets close up and personal with Business Fights Poverty’s co-founder Zahid Torres-Rahman.

During the podcast, Zahid explains how his time working abroad and as a specialist adviser and civil servant for the UK Government drove him to set up his first social business in 2005.

This candid interview reveals what motivates and inspires Zahid, as he takes us on a journey through his own childhood as a migrant to the UK and his feelings of disconnection – which have driven him ever since to foster connections with and between others.

Before he explains why, with his unique insight into businesses social agendas, he is optimistic about businesses standing up to advocate on social issues, why business-NGO partnerships are reaching new heights and how intrapreneurs are changing the world.

Listen to find out more.  You can find more Spotlight podcast interviews and subscribe in the iTunes store.

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