Enhance your skills in forging partnerships for charting a “pathway-to-impact” for long-term, scalable results with public-private partnerships. Discover new ways of leveraging cross-sector collaborations to drive systemic approaches, drawing on lessons from food systems change.
Alok Ranjan, Director of Programmes and Investments, The Power of Nutrition
Paloma Fernandes, CEO, Cereal Millers Association, Kenya
Tara Shyam, Associate Director, Food System Partnerships, Global FoodBanking Network
Manasseh Miruka, Cluster Lead, Nutrition Enterprise Unit, (GAIN)
Mduduzi Mbuya, Director, Knowledge Leadership, GAIN
Francoise Cattaneo, Sustainable Food Systems Researcher and Facilitator, Glocolearning, (GAIN)
Roseline Remans, CEO, Glocolearning
Heather Zornetzer, Sustainable Food Systems Researcher, IFSS portal
Charlotte Pedersen, Lead Innovations for Health and the Planet, (GAIN)
Tesfaye Hailu Bekele, Sustainable Diets Researcher, Wageningen University & Glocolearning
Debjani Samantaray, Knowledge Mobilization Manager, Nutrition Connect, GAIN
Lilian Kerubo Nyamongo, NutritionConnect officer, GAIN
Silvia Martinez, Intern and Student, Glocolearning and WUR
Oliver Camp, Senior Associate, GAIN