The Power of Intrapreneurship

An Interview with Anuradha Bajaj, UK's Department for International Development

The Power of Intrapreneurship

As part of the series of short insights from faculty members of the Intrapreneur Lab, we spoke to Anuradha Bajaj, who at the time was acting head of the Private Sector Department at the Department for International Development and mentor at The Intrapreneur Lab.

The Intrapreneur Lab: What’s your view of intrapreneurship?

Anuradha: I think it’s a really powerful concept and I was really struck by the drive and enthusiasm of relatively young/middle management-level people in a lot of these companies.

I think they can really be drivers for change and we are catching them young because they are the future leaders in these organizations…and we are harnessing their energy and enthusiasm… getting them to think outside the box in a way that can be commercially beneficial to their companies in the long term but also good for society.

This is exactly the kind of thing that DfID would like to harness and bring together, facilitate, and see more of…so we think it’s a fantastic concept.

Editor’s Note: The Intrapreneur Lab is a 3-day + 3-month accelerator-programme that helps individuals inside large companies develop profitable innovations that create social impact – and develop ‘intrapreneurial aptitudes’ in the process.

The Lab is a collaboration between Leadership Laboratories, Accenture and Business Fights Poverty and is held in business schools across the world – Oxford in UK, Cornell in USA, Gordon Institute of Business in S. Africa.

Companies involved include Barclays, Mars, Pearson, Philips, GSK, Novartis, Cemex, Coca-Cola, BASF and Interface – many of whom are seeing tangible results in the form of profitable, social innovations arising from within the company…led by committed and driven intrapreneurs.

The Johannesburg Lab is 17-19 November 2015.

For more information and to apply, please email Natasha Ncube.

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