Photo: SABMiller

SABMiller Supporting Shopkeepers in Latin America

By Elfid Torres, Chief Executive Officer, FUNDES

SABMiller Supporting Shopkeepers in Latin America

How can big corporations use their power to engage in social inclusion and impact? To discover how the world’s second-largest brewery is making it happen, download this SABMiller case study which I wrote based on my work with them. The case gives insight into SABMiller’s strategic move to incorporate thousands of small business into its value chain. Hence, creating shared value.

In 2013, SABMiller launched the program “4e, Camino al Progreso” following the purpose to improve the well-being of communities through business training to shopkeepers/tenderos in six countries throughout Latin America. To carry out its strategy, SABMiller strategically allied with my private development organization, FUNDES, where we have expertise in bringing Latin American small business into the future.

In summary of the social benefit, the program has positively impacted 16,000 people through employment, crime reduction or youth empowerment. From the business lens, we observed increased sales and margins as well as improved relations. The outcomes—big and small—were valuable to both society and the business.

Read the full case study: SABMiller Develops Shopkeepers with Business and Social Focus.

Editor’s Note: This blog was previously published on Shared Value and is reproduced with permission.

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