Peer Club is a private peer network of employees of global companies who are passionate about social impact.

Peer Club brings together the very best of Business Fights Poverty, and everything we’ve learned over nearly 20 years of award-winning collaboration, into one place. Get better access to the support, insights and relationships you need to scale your social impact.

As a member of Peer Club, deeply connect and build relationships with like-minded peers from companies around the world, with different perspectives and experiences. Benefit from our long-standing relationships with leading NGOs and universities, and tap into a wealth of global expertise on the topics you care about.

Tap into Communal thinking
Tap into the latest thinking and experience of your peers so that you can make informed decisions.

Access Insights

Access insights and reflect on shared challenges by joining regular virtual topic-based Peer Circles with peers from companies across sectors and selected experts in a safe-space setting. Lasting 60 to 90 minutes, they are a simple yet powerful way to access the real-world knowledge, experience and perspectives of a trusted group of people to generate ideas, problem-solve and deepen relationships.

Share your own experience

Share your own experience, shape the collective agenda and make the best use of your time by participating in carefully curated private hybrid events. You’ll have the opportunity to be featured as a Lead Discussant at Summit Workshops and Online Written Discussions to share your expertise and raise your profile.

Take control of your own learning journey

Take control of your own learning journey and stay ahead of the curve by accessing exclusive learning content you can take back into your work, including private briefings and bespoke private virtual roundtables on the topics you care about.

Build community Icon

Build relationships with like-minded peers so that you can widen your social support network. 

Build a personal support group

Build a personal support group and deepen your sense of connection with exclusive networking opportunities, including private lunches and dinners. In our experience, you’ll meet others on the same journey who can share invaluable experience and introduce you to people who can help you deliver and scale your ideas.

Get inspired

Get inspired by meeting the people behind some of the latest innovations and thinking, learn from their experience first-hand, and share your own story, through our annual in-person private Peer Learning Forum. Hosted at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, this private, tailored event is a chance for you, colleagues and a small group of your peers to share insights, work on strategic social impact issues and connect deeply with like minded people.

Find and build meaningful connections

Find and build meaningful connections with valuable new partners through personal introductions. Our team are also here to listen and be that friendly sounding board as you develop new ideas.



Peer Club is diverse and inclusive. We encourage companies to nominate a diversity of colleagues from across their business, including from the Global South.


Peer Club membership is free for Business Fights Poverty member companies and can be shared between employees.


Peer Club is open on a by-application basis to employees of international companies who are passionate about social impact.

For employees of non-member companies, Peer Club membership is £1,500 / $1,950 per person per year.


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