Operationalizing Peace through Commerce

By Smita Trivedi, Assistant Professor of Business and Society/Sustainable Business, College of Business, San Francisco State University

Operationalizing Peace through Commerce

Most scholars would agree that the goal of business is to create value. Yet, can there be anything more valuable than peace?

My article tackles the following research question: How can, or do, businesses advance peace? It explains why peace through commerce is a topic worthy of study and sets out an empirical approach to operationalize it.

The implementation of that approach remains in the future, but in this article, I seek to examine the contours of a possible approach.

The proposed study will demonstrate how some businesses have already begun to move toward advancing peace and will give direction for how businesses could follow suit in the future.

With both a content analysis and a panel data analysis, there would be data to help determine an index for peace through commerce, which would contribute a great deal to the existing body of literature.

The proposed study will help scholars and practitioners alike understand the relationship between business and peace better.

This article is free for the duration of this Challenge (until end Nov 2016)

Editor’s Note:

This article is published as part of the Business and Peace Challenge, led by Indiana University and Business Fights Poverty. To find out more about the Business and Peace Challenge, and to join, click here.

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