Photo: Mondelēz International

Mondelēz International – Cocoa Life

By Vicky Dodman, International Programme Manager, Business in the Community

Mondelēz International – Cocoa Life

Mondelēz International’s Cocoa Life programme aims to boost livelihoods and living conditions for 200,000 farmers and one million people in cocoa farming communities.

Social impacts

  • Cocoa Life has brought communities together to initiate change, including a focus on empowering women and tackling the presence of child labour through a unique approach that is proactive, transparent, local and collaborative.
  • A pilot initiated in Cote d’Ivoire will boost productivity in 11 villages, helping nearly 4,000 farmers and about 40,000 community members.
  • In Ghana their Cocoa Partnership has helped create a 20% increase in cocoa yields, a 200% increase in household incomes and an 80% increase in government-backed development projects.

Business impacts

  • Has protected their cocoa supply chain and increased productivity to reduce the gap between cocoa supply and demand.
  • Gives all Mondelēz brands a credible approach to sustainability.
  • Established a clear leadership position in the cocoa industry by addressing the problems in cocoa farming and the broader community issues facing those origin countries.
“We, at Mondelēz International, are proud of our Cocoa Life programme – a distinctive, holistic approach to cocoa sustainability that will create a cycle of growth from bean to bar. Our mission is to create thriving cocoa communities and help secure the future of the cocoa industry.”

Maurizio Brusadelli,
UK&I, Mondelēz International

Mondelēz International is working in communities to develop a sustainable cocoa supply and to boost livelihoods and living conditions for over 200,000 farmers and one million people in cocoa farming communities.

They are the largest cocoa buyer in the world, purchasing 12% of the world’s cocoa beans. They believe they have a responsibility to the farmers, a responsibility to the planet, and a responsibility to their business.

Mondelēz International believes a sustainable cocoa supply begins with thriving farming communities, and more efficient farming leads to farmers’ financial security. Community empowerment is an integral component of a long term sustainable productivity programme. Better farming practices will only take root if communities are attractive places to live.

Cocoa Life is a unique and holistic approach which puts cocoa communities at its heart, aiming to improve the livelihoods and living conditions of people in cocoa farming communities, through a $400 million investment (to 2020). This includes a $100 million of new investment in Côte d’Ivoire – the world’s largest cocoa producing country – to help 75,000 farmers double their productivity. It aims to inspire a new generation of cocoa famers and is based on three principles: it is farmer centred, is empowered by partnership, and is aligned with Mondelēz International’s sourcing. The programme is implemented in partnership with CARE International and VSO in our key origin countries such as Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Brazil, Dominican Republic, India and Indonesia.

Promoting gender equality and eradicating child labour are two key pillars of Cocoa Life. Mondelēz International strongly believe that their programme will get them deeper engagement in the supply chain and cocoa communities and provide them the best opportunity to address these issues.

Editor’s Note:

The Unilever International Award supported by Business Fights Poverty recognises businesses that have positively impacted one or more of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The Award is part of Business in the Community’s Responsible Business Awards.

The companies awarded a Big Tick in this category have positively impacted over seven million beneficiaries. These companies are helping to eradicate extreme poverty, promote gender equality, support various aspects of the health agenda, and build global partnerships for development between civil society, business and governments. These programmes demonstrate innovation, scale and the potential to be replicated, highlighting the importance of business as a key enabler of the MDGs.

The case studies profiled in this week’s special on Business Fights Poverty provide more detail about the programmes that achieved a Big Tick and those shortlisted for the top accolade. For more information, click here.

This blog was previously published on Business In The Community and is reproduced with permission.

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