Podcast Interview

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Karen Simmonds explores whether travel and tourism can be a part of a sustainable future and details how we might be able to achieve this.

The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) estimate that pre-pandemic Travel & Tourism accounted for 1 in 4 of all new jobs created across the world, 10.6% of all jobs (334 million), and 10.4% of global GDP (US$9.2 trillion).

Founder of Travel Matters and the ‘Make Travel Matter’ campaign – Karen Simmonds has been within the travel industry her entire career and joins us for this podcast to share how there could be benefits to the traveller, business, economies, the environment and to local communities if we consider travelling a bit differently.

During our conversation, Karen takes us on a journey – sharing her insights into why the travel industry provides important socio-economic development opportunities for communities around the world and examines why our current travel patterns aren’t sustainable.

Karen has been thinking a lot about how we can travel better, more cleanly and more thoughtfully. Karen explains ideas that have gone into the Guide to Responsible Travel – suggesting practical actions, nudges and tips of ways to reduce travel impacts.

Whether you travel as an individual, with your organisation or you’re in the travel industry – Karen has something for you.

And our podcasts wouldn’t be complete without a bit of personal advice – Karen is passionate about travel and as a busines founder, entrepreneur and leader generously lends the learning she has done on how to be a business and campaign leader.


Make Travel Matter – www.travelmatters.co.uk/make-travel-matter

Make Travel Matter: The Guide to Making Travel Matter – static1.squarespace.com/static/5cc45f…e+Version.pdf

Make Travel Matter toolkit – www.travelmatters.co.uk/our-travel-tips

Future of Tourism Coalition- www.travelmatters.co.uk/blog/future-for-tourism

UNWTO: How to travel sustainably – www.unwto.org/sustainable-development

Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency Declaration – www.tourismdeclares.com/

WTTC statistics – wttc.org/Research/Economic-Impact

The Travel Foundation – www.thetravelfoundation.org.uk/

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