Primark and the International Research Centre on Women (ICRW) partnered together to better understand male attitudes to gender equity in factories in India. Male managers’ perceptions shape the opportunities and barriers women face in advancing their careers. Understanding these attitudes helps organisations address deep-rooted biases that affect hiring, promotion, and workplace safety. For businesses, promoting gender equity is not only a matter of social responsibility but also improves productivity and worker satisfaction. Tackling gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) and ensuring women have access to leadership roles is essential for long-term sustainability and growth in this sector.
Matthew Davidson, Senior Social Impact Executive, Primark
Sue Tym, Social Impact Portfolio, Senior Manager, Primark
Radhika Uppal, Gender and Development Specialist, International Centre for Research on Women
Rachel Oguntola, Senior Project Manager, Private Sector Development, International Centre for Research on Women