IBLF – Expert Insight: Fabian Pattberg, CSR and social media expert

Fabian Pattberg

IBLF – Expert Insight: Fabian Pattberg, CSR and social media expert from Business Fights Poverty on Vimeo.

IBLF’s Shivvy Jervis talks to Fabian Pattberg, independent expert in the fields of corporate social responsibility and social media and founder of sustainabilityforum.com. Fabian offers insight into how a company’s lack of attention to responsible business and open communication can have a disastrous impact on sales, share value and competitiveness. He discusses the crucial part that transparency and accountability play in the business sector and explains where he sees the CSR communications arena progressing a few years from now.

This content was produced by the International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF) and is reproduced with permission.

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